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Supplier of Claude Monet’s Nymphéas in 1894, Latour-Marliac is today a noted botanical garden, the site of the French National Water Lily Collection, and the oldest water lily nursery in the world.

Latour-Marliac is open to the public from the 1st of May to the 30th of September, from Tuesday through Sunday from 10 AM until 6 PM. The price of entry is 5 Euros, with entry free of charge for those under the age of 16.

Bloom Times. Our hardy water lilies are in bloom from May until October, with peak blooming usually in mid-June. Our lotus collection flowers in July and early August, and our tropical collection is at its best from mid-July until the end of September. The giant water lilies, Victoria Amazonica and Euryale Ferox, reach maturity in August and September.

In visiting Latour-Marliac you will find over 250 varieties of water lily spread over 1 hectare of cultivation pools. Each variety is also displayed in the historical pools that were built in the 19th century by Monsieur Latour-Marliac, and this display comprises the French National Water Lily Collection. In addition, our visitors also have access to the glasshouse that houses the giant water lilies and the night-blooming tropical water lily collection; the botanical garden with its lawns and gardens, giant bamboo collection, lake, Japanese bridge, koi fountain, waterfall and gazebo. There is a small museum on site that describes the life and accomplishments of Monsieur Latour-Marliac and the history of his nursery.

Latour-Marliac was named “Jardin Remarquable†in 2004 by France’s Ministry of Culture and Communications in recognition of the site’s beauty and historical significance.

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