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As you go along, you will travel all around the world (Africa, Asia, Central ans South America): 73 tanks of tropical freshwater with the most unusual and coloured fishes like the Killies from the stagnant waters of the muggy forests of Gabon, the Barbus from Sumatra, the Labeo from Thaïland and the Black molly from Aqua Luna in Mexico. The tropical freshwater Aquarium of St Malo is located inside the city walls between la porte St Thomas ("St Thomas's door") and Le Fort de la Reine (The Queen's fort"). It was built during the 4th extension of St Malo in 1735 and it used to be an armoury. In 1962, Jean Grivet, a famous French naturalist (1917 - 1993) decided to set up the first sea water Aquarium of St Malo. The front door is to be noticed: it used to be that of the Manor of Riancourt: Surcouf's house.

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