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AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT The 100-acre Sigurtà Garden-Park stands on the edge of the Morainic Hills near Lake Garda (8 km from Peschiera). The Park originates from the "walled garden" (1617) of the Villa Maffei (built by V. Pellesina, a Palladio student) and in 1859, was the headquarters of Emperor Napoleon III. In 40 years of loving care, Carlo Sigurta, taking advantage of a century old right to take water from The Mincio River, achieved the "miracle" of making the arid hillside's vegetation luxuriant. Subsequently, his grandson, Enzo, produced a prototype of the Garden Park. After being opened to the public in 1978, the preservation of this ecological complex is entrusted to the respect of visitors, who have called it a "Temple of Nature". To these precious but unknown people go our heartfelt thanks.

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