Infoparks App

Elija su idioma: Elija su idioma Elija su idioma Elija su idioma Elija su idioma

Hold on to nature and discover the AVENTURE PARC:

• 24 COURSES and 240 GAMES up amongst the trees including: rope bridges, Tarzan jumps, biking & surfing above the ground… and also 45 ZIPLINES with a total length of 2.5 km!
All activities are done with a secured and continuous lifeline and without a time limit.

• A TURNING ZIPLINE of 320m which is unique in Belgium.

• 5 JUMPS including a Bungee Jump and a giant catapult that propels you 17 meters up in the air.

• An interactive LASER GAME to conquer the fortress of Beumont!

After these thrills, enjoy relaxing at the visitors centre which features 3 terraces.

Special packages: birthday parties, bachelor parties, schools and team building.

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